Thwarting the Plot: How Abbas's Intelligence Infiltration into Gaza Exposed Hamas's Strength?

4 months ago




In a successful preemptive response, Gaza's Ministry of Interior unveiled its foiling of an intelligence operation on March 31, 2024. This operation involved the infiltration of several officers and soldiers affiliated with the General Intelligence Apparatus in Ramallah into northern Gaza under direct orders from the head of the apparatus, Majed Faraj.

The ministry stated that the aim of this force was to "create a state of confusion and chaos within the internal front," in collaboration with the Israeli Shin Bet and the enemy's army, as part of an agreement reached between the two sides in a meeting held in one of the Arab capitals the previous week.

The entry of this force, affiliated with the Ramallah authority and collaborating with the Israeli Occupation Forces, into Gaza came following the failure of the Israeli plans to impose a new hostile authority against Hamas in Gaza through clans and tribes tasked with protection and aid distribution.

The fact that these forces entered via Egypt through the Rafah crossing implies involvement by Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's regime, despite his claim of ignorance about their infiltration. His denial appears to be an attempt to absolve himself of responsibility and deflect suspicion of collusion, despite his role in obstructing aid.

The failure of this Zionist mission through Abbas's intelligence stooges and Hamas's security forces arresting nearly 10 members of this infiltrating force indicates not only Hamas's continued strong grip on Gaza but also the efficiency of its intelligence.

More importantly, this attempt, coupled with rumors of a Security Council resolution to establish an "international force" in Gaza, showed a desire to impose international control over the sector to uproot Hamas's rule by international decisions after the failure of the Israeli Occupation and the West militarily to eliminate the resistance.

What Happened?

On March 31, 2024, Gaza's internal front revealed the "infiltration of several officers and soldiers affiliated with the General Intelligence Apparatus in Ramallah into the northern Gaza Strip on an official mission under direct orders from the head of the apparatus, Majed Faraj."

In a statement, it confirmed that the purpose of this force was to "create a state of confusion and chaos within the internal front," secured by the Shin Bet, indicating the Israeli Occupation and the Palestinian Authority's desire to show that Hamas no longer controls Gaza.

A senior official in Hamas's Ministry of Interior confirmed to Al-Aqsa TV station, affiliated with the movement, on March 31, 2024, that this "suspicious security force entered in coordination with the Israeli Occupation through Egyptian Red Crescent trucks from Rafah."

He explained that when this suspicious force was uncovered and some of its members arrested, and when Cairo was asked how this force entered through the Rafah crossing, the Egyptian side informed the Gaza crossings authority that they "had no knowledge of the force that received the Egyptian trucks."

The official pointed out that security forces and fighters from armed factions apprehended 10 members of this force and received instructions to treat any forces entering the Gaza Strip without coordination with them as Israeli Occupation Forces.

Because the "scandal" was embarrassing, the Ramallah authority did not respond, and a "source" believed to be from the same intelligence agency that carried out the failed mission in Gaza denied what was stated in Hamas's Interior Ministry statement.

Faraj's Plan

Majid Faraj doesn't act independently, but as one of the aspirants hoping to succeed PA President Mahmoud Abbas, he attempted to present his credentials to America and "Israel" by executing their declared plans to form a force different from Hamas in Gaza.

Thus, Palestinian political analyst Yasser Zaatreh described Faraj's actions as an attempt by the aspiring intelligence chief to succeed Abbas to "present his credentials to Washington by sending some of his officers under the guise of aid to northern Gaza."

On X, formerly Twitter, he indicated that "Faraj is racing Dahlan to win the bid."

It appears that this force, formed through Faraj, was an attempt to test the security scene in the Gaza Strip and the continuity of the resistance's control.

Before the exposure of this suspicious force in Gaza, Israeli newspapers revealed details of a plan prepared by "Israel" and endorsed by Faraj, involving the deployment of thousands of Fatah movement members in the Strip.

On March 15, 2024, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper stated that the plan is "Israeli," but it is being carried out in collaboration with Jordan and the Palestinian Authority to rid Gaza of Hamas.

It explained that Israeli security agencies developed a plan for Palestinian local bodies to control the Gaza Strip, overseen by the head of the Palestinian General Intelligence and endorsed by Minister of the Army Yoav Gallant.

According to the plan, Faraj was supposed to work on deploying around 4,000 to 7,000 members of the Palestinian Authority intelligence in the Gaza Strip after training them in Jordan and returning them armed to the Strip.

"This force will not be part of the Palestinian Authority security apparatus, and General Michael Fenzel will be responsible for supervising the training of the forces," according to Yedioth Ahronoth.

According to the plan, Faraj, who commands wide respect in "Israel" and the United States, in the words of Yedioth Ahronoth, was supposed to appoint qualified Fatah members to receive training and work on maintaining security in Gaza.

International Force

On March 20, 2024, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken proposed during his meeting with the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, the Egyptian regime, UAE Minister of International Cooperation Reem Ibrahim al-Hashimy, and Hussein al-Sheikh, the Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization, to form an international Arab force to manage Gaza instead of Hamas.

A senior U.S. official confirmed to American newspapers at the time that the idea of a multinational force was raised during Blinken's talks with several Arab foreign ministers in Cairo.

He explained that Egypt is the leading country studying the idea, but it requires an official invitation from the Palestinian Authority to send Arab forces to Gaza and comes in the political context of the two-state solution, according to the Axios on March 29, 2024.

Axios and the Hebrew newspaper "Walla" later revealed that Gallant proposed to Washington the establishment of a multinational military force with forces from Arab countries "to improve law and order in Gaza and accompany aid convoys," indicating solutions instead of Hamas.

Afterward, the Israeli and American plans were apparently merged, and the story of the security force under Majid Faraj's command in Gaza began, especially after the Israeli Occupation's failure to create local cooperation with it to undermine Hamas' rule, whether from tribes or any other party.

Despite Israeli Occupation's rejection of the return of the Ramallah authority to rule Gaza, which Hamas ended in 2007, Israeli leaders were forced to cooperate or "use" Faraj to build a security force in Rafah, with the support of the Egyptian regime, as an alternative to resistance, according to analysts.

One of the goals of the return of the occupation army to storm the "Shifa" complex was to liquidate police officers and elders from the tribes who refused to cooperate with the occupier and to pave the way for the creation of a place for this proposed Palestinian Arab international force under American and Israeli supervision.

This is why Faraj's force was sent as a "test balloon" to determine the extent of Hamas' security control over the sector after the strikes of the Israeli Occupation, according to Palestinian sources for Al-Estiklal.

Rumors circulated about America's intention, in the coming period, to issue a resolution from the Security Council to form an "international force" comprising Arab countries under the pretext of protecting aid and maintaining peace in the Gaza Strip, with its actual goal being to end Hamas's control over Gaza.

The Israeli media claimed on March 29, 2024, that Minister of Army Yoav Gallant informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of "progress" in talks with the United States regarding a proposal to deploy a multinational force in Gaza.

Channel 12 Hebrew reported that Gallant "held talks with U.S. officials during his visit to Washington regarding the formation of a multinational force and its entry into Gaza to be responsible for the security of the region and the entry and distribution of humanitarian aid."

The channel claimed that these talks resulted in "progress," which it did not specify, noting that "the elements of this force will be from three Arab countries," without naming them.

It added that it is not certain whether this force will include American soldiers or not.

Therefore, a statement issued by the Follow-up Committee for National and Islamic Forces on March 30, 2024, viewed the talk of the Israeli Occupation leaders about forming an international or Arab force for the Gaza Strip as "a fantasy and a mirage."

It emphasized that "any force entering the Gaza Strip is rejected and unacceptable and will be considered an occupying force, and we will deal with it accordingly."

The committee affirmed that "all attempts to create alternative administrations that circumvent the will of the Palestinian people will die before their birth, and they will not succeed."

Significant Implications

The revelation by the Hamas security apparatus in Gaza of this suspicious Palestinian force has significant implications.

Firstly, despite the extent of the Israeli Occupation's destruction, genocide, and mass killings in Gaza, and the targeting of volunteer committees and clans, Hamas's security and intelligence apparatus remain stronger than the intelligence of the Israeli Occupation, Ramallah, and Sisi, who all participated in this operation, yet Hamas still maintains the upper hand in Gaza.

The resistance, by thwarting this operation, demonstrated that, six months after the genocide war, its eyes still monitor every inch in Gaza, contrary to the Israeli Occupation's claims of having eradicated it.

In other words, Hamas's exposure of this force is a message to the world that the resistance "is still standing strong," especially its monitoring and intelligence apparatus, as it was on the day of Operation al-Aqsa Flood on October 7, 2023.

It's a specific message to the U.S. administration and the Israeli Occupation about the resistance's ability to control matters.

Secondly, the operation proved the continued collusion of the Ramallah authority with "Israel" and its involvement in implementing Israeli and American plans regarding Gaza's future.

It demonstrated that the authority and its apparatus align with the Israeli Occupation regarding conspiracy plans against Gaza. Otherwise, they would have requested entry into Gaza in coordination with the resistance forces. Thus, Gaza's monitoring committee described them as "occupation forces."

The head of the authority's intelligence, known for orchestrating clandestine operations against the resistance in the West Bank, presumed he could infiltrate Gaza as he did with villages and cities in the West Bank in coordination with the Occupation. Yet, the resistance thwarted his efforts, revealing his collaboration."

Therefore, this operation came as a warning message to the Palestinian Authority and other parties, confirming to them that all attempts to exclude Hamas will fail.

Thirdly, the thwarting of the entry of a suspicious force from the Palestinian Authority intelligence, loyal to the Israeli Occupation, is an effort requiring significant exertion and meticulous investigations.

Its success in exposing this conspiracy within two days of the discussion about plans to deploy this international Arab force (on March 29) constitutes a significant achievement.

Fourthly, plans to deploy an Arab force under Israeli–American sponsorship have become a "losing venture," causing hesitation among Arab states wishing to participate, especially after the resistance affirmed that it would consider any force entering Gaza without its consent and knowledge as an "occupation force."

Fifthly, the operation to foil the Majed Faraj force serves as a warning message to Arab regimes involved in the American project that any attempt to send forces to the sector will have grave consequences.

The Sisi regime is implicated in this operation because it is difficult to imagine the entry of a Palestinian military force through the Rafah crossing, controlled by the Egyptian army and intelligence, without their knowledge.

No truck passes through the Rafah crossing without Egyptian approval, and no Palestinian crosses unless they pay Ibrahim al-Arjani's company, a partner of the army generals, at least $10,000 for passage, according to the testimony of Palestinians coming from Gaza, to Al-Estiklal.