How Did the Term 'Seasonal Gender' Emerge?

Nuha Yousef | 2 months ago




In recent years, a segment of Generation Z has been at the forefront of redefining traditional concepts of gender identity.

The latest iteration of this evolving conversation introduces the concept of "gender season," a term that reflects a fluidity of gender expression that aligns with the changing seasons.

Dee Whitnell, a nonbinary individual, has brought attention to this phenomenon through social media platforms like TikTok, describing "gender season" as a personal exploration of gender in connection with the cyclical nature of the seasons.

According to Whitnell, one might feel more aligned with masculinity during the winter months, while another might find their gender expression leaning towards femininity or androgyny during the warmer periods of spring and summer.

Climate Effect

This concept does not suggest that the seasons dictate one's gender identity but rather that they can play a role in influencing how one expresses it.

Whitnell shared their own experience, noting a tendency towards masculine presentation during the summer, which includes wearing shorts and styling their hair in a way that feels more traditionally "boyish."

Conversely, the winter months evoke a "girl mode," characterized by a preference for skirts, dresses, and wearing their hair down.

The idea has sparked debate among social media users, with some dismissing it as merely a reflection of seasonal wardrobe changes. Others have criticized the concept more harshly, labeling it as nonsensical.

Despite the mixed reactions, the discussion has expanded to include proposed season-specific pronouns, further illustrating the diverse ways in which individuals are seeking to express their unique identities.

As the dialogue around gender continues to evolve, "gender season" stands as a testament to the ongoing quest for self-definition and the desire to articulate identity in ever more nuanced ways.

It remains a topic of conversation that challenges conventional understandings and invites a broader discussion about the spectrum of gender identity in contemporary society.


The term "genderseason" joins a burgeoning list of identities, among them "ecosexuality," which is predicated on the allure of the natural world.

An "ecosexual" person might find nature to be sexually stimulating, experiencing a profound connection with the vitality of the environment or engaging in tactile interactions with natural elements.

A TikTok sexual health coach has characterized "ecosexuality" as a broad term that encompasses individuals who engage with the environment in a deeply sensual manner.

However, certain narratives, such as that of a Toronto woman who pursued an intimate bond with an oak tree, and a segment from the British television program Naked Attraction, where a participant identified as an ecosexual, have sparked a wave of social media commentary.

Some of the reactions include dire proclamations about the fate of society and calls for the confinement or treatment of individuals who identify with such unconventional relationships.

In a cultural landscape increasingly defined by unconventional expressions of identity and desire, the emergence of "ecosexuality" as a sexual orientation centered on a profound attraction to nature has sparked both curiosity and criticism across social media platforms.

Defined as a profound sexual and sensual connection to the natural world, ecosexuality encompasses a spectrum of experiences, from feeling a deep energetic resonance with nature to engaging in physically intimate acts with trees and other elements of the environment.

Originating from the creative mind of former sex educator Annie Sprinkle, who famously "married" the Earth in a symbolic union in 2008, ecosexuality has since found resonance among individuals who view nature not merely as a provider of resources, but as a sensual and erotic partner deserving of love and reverence.

However, the concept has faced its fair share of skepticism and derision, particularly on platforms like TikTok and X (formerly Twitter), where users have expressed incredulity and disdain toward those who identify as ecosexual.

While some, like intimacy counselor Stefanie Weiss, describe profound moments of ecstasy and connection with nature, others question whether ecosexuality risks veering into fetishization or objectification of the natural world.

Yet, for individuals like Sonja Semyonova, who describes her "erotic" relationship with an oak tree on Vancouver Island, ecosexuality represents a deeply personal and transformative experience rooted in a sense of connection, stability, and intimacy with the environment.

Despite misconceptions that equate ecosexuality solely with physical acts, proponents emphasize that it encompasses a broader exploration of the erotic within the context of nature's cycles and rhythms.

Indeed, for those who embrace ecosexuality, the potential for fostering a more symbiotic and intimate relationship with the natural world holds promise not only for personal fulfillment but also for addressing pressing environmental challenges on a global scale.