11 days ago
Unlike its approach to most Islamic governments, the UAE is strengthening ties with the Afghan Taliban, who took power after the U.S. ended its 20-year occupation.
2 months ago
12 Republican lawmakers warned the ICC chief prosecutor of serious consequences for him, his family, and his staff if he pursued an arrest warrant for war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu.
"The Devil's Old Lady, Um Fadak, Instigator of Corruption" — these titles have been attributed to Hennis-Plasschaert, the former UNAMI head in Iraq and current UN Special Coordinator in Lebanon.
A sharp wave of Western outrage has been provoked by Iraq's legislation criminalizing prostitution and homosexuality, even leading to threats of withdrawal by foreign investment companies, raising significant questions about Baghdad's future relations.
3 months ago
Numerous investigations and on-the-ground realities in Syria have repeatedly demonstrated that substantial amounts of stolen international aid simply vanish into the bank accounts of Assad regime's economic arms and institutions.
Nuha Yousef
5 months ago
On the occasion of the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, observed annually on March 15, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed a resolution outlining measures to counteract Islamophobia.